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Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas:
If the author is up to three authors, all should
be included, following the same directions and separated by semicolons. If more than three authors, put
the first and et. al.
Journal Samples:
SILVA, SAPS Qualitative research in Physical
Education. Revista Paulista de
Physical Education, São Paulo, v.10, n.1, p. 87-98, Jan. / July 1996.
YASSERLI, MAN Utility of Traditional and
Alternative Measures of EMG-based fatigue
During low-moderate level isometric efforts. Journal of Electromyography and
Kinesiology, Amsterdam,
v. 18, n.1, p. 44-53, feb./2008.
Book Samples:
TO Periodization: theory
and methodology of training. 4. ed. New York:
Phorte Press, 2004.
SMA Research methodology: the thesis project. Rio de Janeiro: Shape, 2004.
Book chapter
FERNANDES, F. The folklore of a city in change. In: OLIVEIRA, PS (Ed.)
Methodology of the humanities. New York: Hucitec, 1998
Dissertation, thesis or term paper of course Sample:
change in visual acuity during physical exertion in athletes with low vision. 2002. 98f. Thesis (MA) - College of Education
Physics, UNICAMP, Campinas, 2002.
Web Page Sample:
Santarém, JM Update on resistance exercise: cardiovascular
adjustments. Available at:
<http://www.fisiculturismo.com.br/index.artigo.php>. Accessed: 06 September