Output Style
QuikBib strives for accuracy in all output styles. We recommend verifying that there are no new style instructions before submitting your paper. Always check your reference list for accuracy.
Turabian 7th Edition (Reference List) (Information on the Style Guide:
There are two Turabian formats – Reference List and Footnotes/Bibliography. The format used here is In-Text Citations/Reference List.
If there is no author in a reference QuikBib will substitute the title as required by Turabian 6th. The first author name should be entered last name first followed by a comma, first name and middle name followed by a comma. All other author names should be entered First Middle Last followed by a comma with the last name followed by a period.
QuikBib applies the required sentence casing and as such cannot distinguish proper nouns. Carefully check your formatted papers for incorrect casing. Full title, no ending punctuation. QuikBib will apply any attributes required along with the required punctuation.
Periodical Title:
Use full journal names for the periodical.
Newspaper Title:
A headline or summary, rather than a formal article title, may be capitalized sentence style. Titles of regular departments in a magazine are capitalized headline style but not put in quotation marks.
Periodical Volume and
Journal citations with a volume and no issue, check for stray punctuation. The issue number maybe omitted if the pagination is continuous throughout the volume.
Book Volume:
For multivolume works editing the final papers will be necessary: vol or vols.
Newspaper/Magazine Publication
Date should appear as follows: June 19, 2001
If you cite a specific passage in the parenthetical citation, include its page number. But you may omit the article's inclusive page numbers in a reference list entry, since magazine articles often span many pages that include extraneous material.
This field needs to contain the entire URL to the source document, and is used only if you have retrieved the material electronically.
Retrieved Date:
This data needs to be entered in the field as follows; full month day, 4 digit year, February 17, 2004.
Journal Sample:
Hahn, E., D. Cella, R. Bode, and R. Hanrahan. Measuring social well-being in people with chronic illness. Social Indicators Research 96, no. 3 (May, 2010). 381, http://proquest.umi.com/pqdweb?did=2001017201&Fmt=7&clientId=56086&RQT=309&VName=PQD.
Book Sample:
D'Avenant,William, Sir,. The tragedy of hamlet, prince of denmark as it is now acted at his highness the duke of york's theatre / by william shakespeare. Early english books, 1641-1700 / 297:41. Ed. Shakespeare andWilliam. London: Printed by Andr. Clark for J. Martyn and H. Herringman, 1676. . http://gateway.proquest.com/openurl?ctx_ver=Z39.88-2003&res_id=xri:eebo&res_dat=xri:pqil:res_ver=0.2&rft_id=xri:eebo:citation:12435772 (accessed 4/9/2010).
Newspaper Article Sample:
Wong, Wailin. 2010. Uno parent files bankruptcy; debt-for-equity deal in works. Chicago Tribune, Jan 21. http://proquest.umi.com/pqdweb?did=1944074281&Fmt=7&clientId=56086&RQT=309&VName=PQD (accessed 4/9/2010).